Travel Bloggers Unite Conference 2011 – What I’ve Learnt

Work From Anywhere

A few months ago I made it my goal to attend the Travel Bloggers Unite conference in beautiful Innsbruck, and I’m so glad I did! It was my first big blogging event, and I’ve not only made some great friends, but I’ve also networked with and learnt from successful travel bloggers, web experts and industry from all over the world – pretty cool for just one weekend!

My previous experience of conferences comes from having to attend them for my day job, and often they are extremely un-interesting, un-egaging and mentally draining, so attending TBU was the perfect antidote to this. While I used to find myself sitting in a corner and not wanting to speak to anyone at these mandatory work events, at TBU I wanted to speak with everyone – It just goes to show the importance of passion in your life, and attending TBU has just confirmed to me again that my heart lies in building my own businesses, travelling and having the freedom to work from anywhere in the world. And while my motivation levels are already quite high, this weekend has given me a boost to keep on growing, pushing myself and fighting for the life that I want.

For anyone out there who may be thinking they would like to attend an event like TBU but are a little nervous or unsure, then I would say 100% go for it – it can be daunting turning up to events alone, but life is all about pushing yourself and meeting new people – especially in the world of travel. And besides, travel bloggers want to help other travel bloggers – so even if attending a conference isn’t within your reach at the moment but you are wanting to engage with others, then don’t be shy – I know I and everyone else in attendance would be more than happy to chat and help with any questions that you may have about travel, blogging, or life in general!

So what have I taken away from the event? In a nutshell – lots! I’ve learnt not only that I am capable and confident in a room full of strangers, but also that people in the travel industry are some of the most friendly, helpful and fun people out there – definitely my kind of crew!

I also now know that in order to grow and achieve we need to network with successful people and learn how they have gotten to where they are today – this doesn’t only go for travel blogging, but every area of life. I’ve come away feeling clear-minded (well as clear-minded as one can be after a few days drinking and staying out late!), refreshed and ready to charge ahead with my life and my goals, and do you know whats even better? The next TBU is only just over 6 months away – maybe I’ll see you there?!

Photo Credit – Thanks to kk+ (Attribution License)

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  1. silvia-trippando says

    your experience is great!! i hope i’lk take part to the next tbu

  2. Where is the next TBU conference? I am really wanting to go to a travel blogging conference! Or a bloggers conference in general. I hoping to see one in Vancouver soon! You are a very helpful travel blogger and I am happy to have you as an acquaintance!

    The Wanderfull Traveler

  3. I think next year’s conference is in Umbria, Italy 🙂 looking forward to seeing u back there and wishing u lots of wonderful creative work in the meantime. It WAS a real pleasure meeting all of you! Cheers Elena

  4. WomanSeeksWorld says

    Thanks Elena, look forward to seeing you again also! : )

  5. WomanSeeksWorld says

    Thanks Silvia – hope to see you there! : )

  6. WomanSeeksWorld says

    Thanks so much Murissa, its great to have your support! The next TBU is in Italy, bu I think TBEX, another conference is in Canada. Hope to see you at one next year anyway! : )

  7. great post and great networking in Innsbruck! looking forward to meet you at TBU Umbria next April! have a nice trip back home 🙂

  8. WomanSeeksWorld says

    Thanks so much – look forward to meeting you too! : )

  9. Awesome meeting you and look forward to properly hanging out in beautiful Umbria if not before…

  10. WomanSeeksWorld says

    Thanks, Kash! You too – let me know when youre in London next!


  1. […] Previous Post – Travel Bloggers Unite Conference 2011: What I’ve Learnt […]

  2. Travel blog conferences? | says:

    […] for updates on this topic.Powered by WP Greet Box WordPress PluginLately Ive been running across the mention of travel blog conferences, and am wondering if this is something I should be looking at […]

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