I Survived My First Ever Bootcamp…And Loved It!

‘This is bootcamp, not Hollywood!’ This is the phrase that has stayed with me after my first ever bootcamp experience, and while it brings back some great memories now, the moment I first heard it at 5.30am being bellowed from the mouth of an Army dude dressed in camouflage, not so much. This is the kind of talk that makes you wonder what the hell you signed up for, but thankfully this bootcamp not only pushed you to your physical limits during the day, but it pampered you and your aching body at night.

I’ve always been one for keeping fit, strong and healthy, so I jumped at the chance to recently take part in this first ever bootcamp by the new Lifestyle247 brand. There were always things that appealed to me about bootcamps, but being a food lover (don’t even start with the wine) and someone who struggles with being told what to do (I channelled my occasional disruptive compulsions at school into making paper planes) I could never bring myself to go on one, because at the end of the day, when I take a holiday I want to feel rested, not starved and yelled at for a week!

Thankfully, Lifestyle247’s bootcamps were the complete antidote to this – lots of exercise and fresh air during the day (including dance, long hikes, kettlebells and sprints) many laughs with our trainers (they thought they were tough, but after seeing them take a Bollywood dance class, we knew better) hot tubs, workshops and spa treatments in the evenings and the food was to die for – Lets just say that if I could’ve taken home the lovely chef Miranda I would be the size of a house – probably not the best start after returning home from a fitness holiday. And to top it all off, being at the peak of a valley in the Yorkshire Dales in a huge luxury barn conversion makes everything better – even the 5.30am starts!

So all in all, I had a fabulous long weekend! I came home surprisingly rested, relaxed and ready to tackle pretty much anything. I would definitely recommend checking out Lifestyle247 if you are planning a trip to Europe in the future, you’ll not only get fit, pamper yourself and lose some pounds, but you’ll get to see some countryside and stay in the most amazing barn too – the perfect mix for a wannabe fit foodie loving traveller!

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  1. Sounds like it was an awesome experience, but if someone tried to yell at me at 5.30 in the morning, well, I don’t know if either of us would make it out alive. Haha.

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